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Herbarium and Plant Collection

Herbarium and Plant Collection
Educational Programs
Herbarium and Plant Collection
Digital educational programs
Information: 2251047033

Did you know that you can easily press different kinds of plants or your favorite flowers?

Take a walk in the nearest park or go on a nature trip. Carefully observe the plants around you. Would you like to be able to preserve them and take them with you?

Learn how to collect plants while respecting their environment and how you can press them to start your own plant collection.

Follow a few simple steps and create your very own Herbarium to store and protect your collection.

Study the biodiversity of the plants of the Lesvos Geopark with the Educational Activity YOUNG EXPLORERS DISCOVER THE PLANT BIODIVERSITY OF THE LESVOS GEOPARK- A WALK AT THE BOTANICAL PARADISE OF THE AEGEAN.

When you visit the Lesvos Geopark, you will be able to recognize the various species of plants that thrive on the island and add them to your collection. Fill your herbarium with purple, blue, yellow, pink, red, white, green and create a collection dedicated to the plants of Lesvos.

Discover also how you can create your own art frames with pressed flowers to decorate your room or give them as gifts to your friends and family. Let your imagination free, be creative and make your own flower compositions!

We would like you to share with us photos of your creations. You can send them along with your name, age and your parents’ approval to the email of the Museum of the  Lesvos Petrified Forest ( and we will post them online.


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